Family Law

As a highly experienced California divorce attorney, I am committed to providing personalized and compassionate legal representation throughout your divorce process. With a deep understanding of California family law, I will work diligently to ensure your rights and interests are protected at every step. Whether you're facing a contested divorce, uncontested divorce, or complex high-asset divorce, I am here to help you navigate this challenging time.


What does Family Law means?


What does Family Law means?

Family Law addresses legal matters pertaining to relationships and domestic issues within a family context. At our law firm, we focus on Family Law, managing cases related to divorce, child custody, spousal support, property division, and other related issues. Our seasoned attorneys are committed to offering guidance and representation in these sensitive matters, striving for the best possible outcomes for our clients and their loved ones.

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California Divorce Attorneys


Why Choose Us ?

At Awarded Attorneys, we recognize the intricacies of navigating family law issues. Our team of devoted family law attorneys is here to offer expert guidance, ensuring you can confidently and efficiently traverse the complex legal terrain. With years of experience, our seasoned professionals possess a profound understanding of California’s family law statutes, court protocols, and the nuances of various family-related cases. We are dedicated to providing you with comprehensive advice and robust representation, safeguarding your rights and interests every step of the way.

Our family law attorneys in California excel at devising comprehensive legal strategies, collecting crucial evidence, and advocating on your behalf both within and beyond the courtroom. Their extensive familiarity with California’s legal landscape significantly enhances the likelihood of a successful resolution to your family law matter. Choosing a family law attorney within our firm means aligning with a strategic legal ally who is steadfastly committed to pursuing the most favorable outcome for your case in the realm of family law.

With finesse, they champion your cause, diligently forging a custody agreement that's not only equitable but also reasonable

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Family Law Process

Navigating the complexities of family law demands expertise and support. Our firm provides a comprehensive process:

1. Initial Consultation: : We attentively listen to your needs and analyze your case..

 2. Strategic Approach: Crafting a tailored strategy in alignment with California’s family law.

3.Negotiation and Mediation:  Seeking amicable solutions to minimize conflicts.

4. Documentation: Precise handling of paperwork and filings.

5. Court Advocacy:  Providing strong representation in litigation if needed.

6. Constant Communication:  Offering transparent updates and guidance.

7. Post Support:  Assisting with modifications and changes.

With our experienced team, you can confidently navigate the intricacies of family law.

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Family Law FAQ

What areas of family law does your firm specialize in? (al tocar la pregunta se abre hacia abajo la respuesta)

Our legal practice focuses on an extensive array of family law issues, encompassing divorce, child custody, child support, spousal support (alimony), property division, prenuptial agreements, post-divorce modifications, domestic violence matters, and more. Our proficient team is well-prepared to address diverse facets of family law, providing comprehensive support tailored to meet our clients’ individual needs.

How is child custody determined in California? (al tocar la pregunta se abre hacia abajo la respuesta)

 Determinations regarding child custody in California are driven by the best interests of the child. Considerations encompass each parent’s capability to furnish a stable and supportive environment, the child’s age and preferences (if applicable), each parent’s willingness to foster the child’s relationship with the other parent, and any history of domestic violence or substance abuse. Our family law attorneys are adept at championing for equitable and suitable child custody arrangements that prioritize the well-being of the children involved.

How can I modify child custody or support arrangements after a divorce? (al tocar la pregunta se abre hacia abajo la respuesta)

Altering child custody or support arrangements following a divorce in California is feasible in the presence of a substantial change in circumstances. This change may relate to a parent’s employment status, relocation, or alterations in the child’s requirements. To initiate a modification in custody or support, you must file a request with the court and substantiate the proposed changes with evidence. Our seasoned family law attorneys can assist you through this process, ensuring the protection of your rights and the prioritization of your child’s best interests.


California Divorce Attorneys

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California Divorce Attorneys


Securing child custody in California involves several steps. First, a custody petition is filed with the court. Next, both parents may attend mediation to attempt reaching a custody agreement. If an agreement cannot be reached, a custody evaluation may be ordered. Ultimately, the court will make a determination based on the child's best interests, considering factors like parental stability, child's preferences (if mature enough), and existing relationships.

Yes, California law allows grandparents to seek visitation rights under certain circumstances. If the child's parents are unmarried or going through a divorce, or if one parent's whereabouts are unknown, grandparents may be eligible to petition the court for visitation. The court evaluates the grandparent's relationship with the child and assesses whether visitation is in the child's best interests.

To obtain a restraining order in California, the victim (referred to as the "protected party") must file a request with the court, detailing the incidents of abuse or violence. A temporary restraining order (TRO) may be issued immediately, providing immediate protection. A court hearing will then be scheduled within a few weeks to determine if a permanent restraining order is necessary. During the hearing, both parties present their evidence, and the court decides whether to grant the order based on the evidence presented and the safety of the protected party.